DE2_115_PROG / nios_system / synthesis / submodules /
@takayun takayun on 28 Jan 2017 3 KB release
// (C) 2001-2013 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
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// $Id: //acds/rel/13.0sp1/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_demultiplexer/ $
// $Revision: #1 $
// $Date: 2013/03/07 $
// $Author: swbranch $

// -------------------------------------
// Merlin Demultiplexer
// Asserts valid on the appropriate output
// given a one-hot channel signal.
// -------------------------------------

`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns

// ------------------------------------------
// Generation parameters:
//   output_name:         nios_system_rsp_xbar_demux_003
//   ST_DATA_W:           96
//   ST_CHANNEL_W:        18
//   NUM_OUTPUTS:         1
//   VALID_WIDTH:         1
// ------------------------------------------

// Message Supression Used
// QIS Warnings
// 15610 - Warning: Design contains x input pin(s) that do not drive logic

module nios_system_rsp_xbar_demux_003
    // -------------------
    // Sink
    // -------------------
    input  [1-1      : 0]   sink_valid,
    input  [96-1    : 0]   sink_data, // ST_DATA_W=96
    input  [18-1 : 0]   sink_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=18
    input                         sink_startofpacket,
    input                         sink_endofpacket,
    output                        sink_ready,

    // -------------------
    // Sources 
    // -------------------
    output reg                      src0_valid,
    output reg [96-1    : 0] src0_data, // ST_DATA_W=96
    output reg [18-1 : 0] src0_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=18
    output reg                      src0_startofpacket,
    output reg                      src0_endofpacket,
    input                           src0_ready,

    // -------------------
    // Clock & Reset
    // -------------------
    (*altera_attribute = "-name MESSAGE_DISABLE 15610" *) // setting message suppression on clk
    input clk,
    (*altera_attribute = "-name MESSAGE_DISABLE 15610" *) // setting message suppression on reset
    input reset


    localparam NUM_OUTPUTS = 1;
    wire [NUM_OUTPUTS - 1 : 0] ready_vector;

    // -------------------
    // Demux
    // -------------------
    always @* begin
        src0_data          = sink_data;
        src0_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
        src0_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
        src0_channel       = sink_channel >> NUM_OUTPUTS;

        src0_valid         = sink_channel[0] && sink_valid;


    // -------------------
    // Backpressure
    // -------------------
    assign ready_vector[0] = src0_ready;

    assign sink_ready = |(sink_channel & {{17{1'b0}},{ready_vector[NUM_OUTPUTS - 1 : 0]}});
